Amicable collection of your unpaid invoices
Venturis possesses a wide array of tools and means of action and reaction in order to foster an amicable collection of your unpaid invoices while preserving your company’s image (Formal notice, reminders, emails, texts, phone calls, home visit, address searches).
Our progressive approaches aim to collect unpaid invoices while sensitising your debtor customer and thus obtain payment or identify the reason behind the default.
Amicable & judicial collection of your unpaid invoices
Should your debtors ignore the opportunity of Amicable collection, while owing certain and payable debts, will be subected to Judicial collection, at no financial risk for you.
Our network of bailiffs and lawyers comes into action in order to assess the debtors’ solvency before summoning them to the Court and then apply the judgement that has been delivered
What happens if my debtor becomes insolvent?
Rest assured VENTURIS will bear all bailiff & lawyer fees

Call Collect
Do your customers owe you money? Calling them is an effective solution to obtain swift payment.
You do not possess the necessary or sufficient resources to manage this in-house?
Our agents, specialised in negotiation and positive communication, can call your customers
in your name. They are invited to pay on your bank account, a text and Email detailing the data necessary to the payement can be sent complementarily.
Benefit from our special conditions from €1.80 per call:
Debt monitoring
Although a debtor can temporally be categorised as insolvent, a return to better fortune can reasonably be considered.
Consequently, VENTURIS offers you, if you so wish, to regularly monitor your debtors’ situation.
Then we implement a process of regular reminders in order to optimise your chances of collecting.
No investment on your part is necessary. Our commission is exclusively linked to results.
Contact us for more information

Collection at the International level
Benefit from our collection procedures for your debtors established or residing Abroad.
No investment on your part is necessary. Our commission is exclusively linked to results.
We invite you to contact our Venturis adviser to check the countries covered by this service.